Saturday, January 12, 2008

The importance of space

I love to be with people and I dont think that I could live alone, but I need my space. I live in a tiny apartment with six other girls. I love these girls they are great people. Last night after living with these girls for eight months I finally blew my top. I have been keeping my feelings and thoughts to myself for the sake of the apartment. I just couldnt do it anymore. I came home from work and said two words and I was yelled at just because of something on the tv. I am a human being who has feelings and a tv can be paused. After this happened I had no where to go... my car is in the shop so a cool down ride was out of the question. So I went up to my shared bedroom and cryed my eyes out because I was so mad. This is such a stupid girl drama thing that I totally hate. Hopefully we will be able to talk things out. I am willing hopefully she is to. All that is needed here is some consideration for others. And I need to have a little more consideration for her.

1 comment:

jjjensenfamily said...

Sorry about the explosion, but there really is only so much tension you can have inside before it has to vent. I lived in an apartment for 2 years with 5 roommates. So I know. Hang in there and eat York Peppermint Patties. They always make me feel better.